Trisha Deslaurier (CEO) - Valley Manor Inc.

Trisha Deslaurier

Chantel Brown (CQI Coordinator) - Valley Manor Inc.

Chantel Brown
Junior Director of Care

Dr. Malinowski (Medical Director) - Valley Manor Inc.

Dr. Jason Malinowski
Medical Director

Gail Yantha (Director of Care) - Valley Manor Inc.

Gail Yantha
Senior Director of Care


Lynn Strack
Nursing & CQI Coordinator

Tina O'Malley (Infection Control Coordinator) - Valley Manor Inc.

Tina O'Malley
Infection Control Coordinator

Kathy Innocente (Manager of HR & Finance) - Valley Manor Inc.

Kathy Innocente
Manager of HR & Finance

Jason Smith (Direct Care Coordinator) - Valley Manor Inc.

Jason Smith
Direct Care Coordinator

Andre Rinaud (Support Services Manager)

Andre Rinaud
Support Services Manager

Jamie Graham (Maintenance Manager, Emergency Planning, Health & Safety, Fire Planning) - Valley Manor Inc.

Jamie Graham
Maintenance Manager, Emergency & Fire Planning, Health & Safety

Ashley Dombroskie (Restorative Care) - Valley Manor Inc.

Ashley Dombroskie
Restorative Care

Brandi Dombroskie (RAI Coordinator) - Valley Manor Inc.

Brandi Dombroskie
RAI Coordinator

Khashayar Amirhosseini (Registered Dietician) - Valley Manor Inc.

Khashayar Amirhosseini
Registered Dietician

Claudia Coulas (BSO-PSW) - Valley Manor Inc.

Claudia Coulas

Lisa Yantha (Manager of Activities & Volunteers)

Lisa Yantha
Manager of Activities & Volunteers

Jenny Hudder
Executive Assistant

Resident Council 2024 - Valley Manor Inc.

Resident Council 2024


Continuous Quality Improvement - CQI

A set of activities that are carried out to set standards used to monitor and improve performance so that the care and services provided will satisfy stated or implied needs. These processes don’t “assure” quality; they are tools used to assist with the management of quality.

The CQI Team -

The CQI team at Valley Manor provides the framework for the development and implementation of our integrated Quality Management system.

We strive to provide and implement appropriate quality management systems and processes to ensure the delivery of the highest quality care and service to our residents.

The Valley Manor CQI team continues to provide the framework for continuous improvement  which improves the  resident satisfaction a at Valley Manor and with our community stakeholders.  We must share the responsibility for the delivery of high quality programs and services and for continual improvement. Ultimate responsibility for quality and risk management activities rests with the CQI team however, all stakeholders including staff, volunteers, board members, and third party service vendors have a role to play in improving quality and managing risk. Direction for the Quality and Risk Management program is provided by CQI team.

Our CQI team is  committed to continuously improving the quality of care and service that we provide. Quality means meeting the needs and expectations of our residents and by extension, their families and/or support systems. Each of us has a responsibility to ensure quality for the residents that live at  Valley Manor.

Quality is improved through a continuous process of self-assessment with targets and standards, reviewing and evaluating progress and implementing quality improvement and other action plans. The policies, procedures, implementing processes and monitoring mechanisms are made known to our residents, families and stakeholders with the aim of involving everyone in the development of our culture. In order to develop this quality culture we use a range of ways to consult and inform, and aim to continuously improve effective communications.

Quality Improvement Plan (QIP)

The Excellent Care for All Act (ECFAA) requires that every year, health care organizations including Long-Term Care develop an annual Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) for the following fiscal year and make that plan available to the public.

The QIP is an organization-owned plan that establishes a platform for quality improvement that can be used to harmonize efforts to improve quality of care across the health care system. While each organization owns, develops, and maintains their QIP, organizations share in a common agenda of improving the patient/resident experience that is guided by provincial priorities for high quality care as highlighted in Ontario’s Action Plan for Health Care.

Our current QIP is accessible right here: https://qipnavigator.hqontario.ca/

QIP 2025/26
QIP 2025 2026 Narrative
QIP 2025 2026 Narrative
QIP 2025 2026 Progress Report
QIP 2025 2026 Progress Report
QIP 2025 2026 Workplan
QIP 2025 2026 Workplan